Make Your Coffee Healthy


Inspired by Daniel Schiffer and Peter McKinnon and their phenomenal coffee B-Roll video. In my office, I get asked a lot if I drink coffee and whether or not it’s a bad thing to drink if you are recovering from concussion symptoms. I thought I would share both how I make my coffee and my first video learning how to edit with DaVinci Resolve/ “trying” to use some of the techniques the pros use.

In terms of knocking off coffee when recovering from a concussion, there is no conclusive evidence that holds coffee at the top of the list for symptom triggers. However, caffeine is a dehydrator and poor hydration levels can lead to increased symptoms. The idea is not to go overboard with caffeine, 1-2 cups max per day. If you need more than that to get yourself going in the morning, your problem is not coffee, you probably have questionable sleep habits. So for every cup of coffee, it takes 2 cups of water to rehydrate. I don’t make these rules. If you are really feeling like you have no energy to get you through the day, you may wish to try some creatine supplements.


Schiffer & McKinnon’s wicked video: 

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